I dont really remember exactly how I came to hear about periscope, maybe just by accident lol. Either way Im soo happy it did, this app is so entertaining and in its own way very helpful and comforting to some people I believe, my self included. Just to be able to watch other people broadcast crazy, funny, abstract, just not your everyday things considered normal that we all think about but do not express for fear of rejection. I think that makes people feel they belong, they are ok and not alone. I also like how you can jump in and out of broadcast from all over the world. Also, for me and most i assume it occasionally makes it easier to keep up with current events, breaking news and other things of that nature from all over, if theres a broadcast on it going on, which most times there is lol. Yea periscope, is great and a new app for me and becoming one of my favorites now for sure. -RobH.
Rob H Rukus about Periscope Live Video Streaming, v1.10.2